

  • My Analog Journal. A great YouTube channel that “explore rare grooves around the world on vinyl”. It’s a bunch of hour long sets, filmed looking straight down at the turntable while he spins. Great stuff.
  • Woman, Little Simz’s latest single. Simz is the shit and this is no exception.
  • This playlist on Carnatic music, southern Indian classical music. Very cool.


  • David Perell’s North Star Podcast. Perell is a recipient of the Emergent Ventures Fellowship from the Mercatus Center (of Tyler Cowen fame) and seems to be on a mission to interview just about every Twitter famous tech (adjacent) star out there. I listened to his interview with Michael Nielsen, a Y Combinator research fellow focusing on how we learn and how to learn better. He and Andy Matuschak wrote an interesting article that was also an experimental design to better enable information retention using techniques inspired by ideas from spaced repetition and clever website design. I’m definitely interested in how we learn and how to learn better, so I was keen to listen. I also listened to him interview Tyler Cowen about his production function, an idea about which he asks many of his guests on Conversations with Tyler. It was simultaneously inspiring and depressing as is so often the case with interviews on exceptionally high performing folks. He claims to to be hyperlexic, reading at 5 - 10 times the speed of us regular folk. Paired with his full-time study of Economics and Social Sciences beginning at age 11, it’s easy to be discouraged if you have any desire to think like he does.
  • Julia Galef speaking about her new book, The Scout Mindset. She’s interviewed by Sean Carroll on his podcast, Mindscape. I’m really interested in learning more about rationality and emotionality, because I think both perspectives are important. It seems often these things are spoken about as being in opposition, but this seems wrong to me. Each has served me in important ways in my life and I would like to think more about how they interact, when each is most important, and if they can be used in support of the other.