
The world is a musem of passion projects Music This Ted Gioia newsletter on how TikTok is changing the incentives of the record business, shifting power away from record labels and into the hands of musicians who are able to find success on the platform. I would love to see this blow up into something. Covid fallout I’ve been seeing and reading more about the social and economic effects of Covid and pandemic related actions....

June 8, 2022 · 3 min · Me


Happy V-day, lovers. Podcasts Season Two, Episode Two of What had happened was has a gem of a section that could easily be turned into a 5,000 word think piece on art, ephemerality and the responsibility we have (or don’t) when it comes to preserving art that may just fade into nonexistence under current legal and economic conditions. It’s this section where I realized that El-P is seeing the whole chessboard....

February 14, 2022 · 4 min · Me


Podcasts Open Mike Eagle’s What had happened was is a gift to humanity. It’s the history of weirdo, independent hip hop from the horse’s mouth. Season One with Prince Paul (producer for De la Soul, Stetsasonic, MF Doom, Paul Barman, etc. etc.) was easily one of my favorite podcasts of 2020. I’m late to the Season 2 party with El-P (Company Flow, Run the Jewels, etc.), but it’s sounding good so far....

February 7, 2022 · 3 min · Me


2021-06-22 Articles This article on Patrick Collison, Tyler Cowen and Patrick Jay’s reflections on the Fast Grants program they started to fund COVID related research during the pandemic. This quote stands out: Scientists are in the paradoxical position of being deemed the very best people to fund in order to make important discoveries but not so trustworthy that they should be able to decide what work would actually make the most sense!...

June 22, 2021 · 4 min · Me