The World Ending Fire, Wendell Berry

This book really pits two of my beliefs against one another. On the one hand, I believe the value of specific, physical places and our relationships with them is vastly underrated. It provides meaning, connects us to the past and encourages a deep respect for people and places that is a necessary counterweight to the obvious trends of the ephemeral, impersonal nature of our modern digitized lives. It is the place from which all efforts at conservation should begin....

June 8, 2022 · 2 min · Me


Podcasts This Conversations with Tyler episode with Chuck Klosterman was great. There are a lot of really interesting sections! At the end, Tyler breaks his Very Serious Interviewer mode and they just chat for a while. It’s still super interesting and fun to hear something a bit more conversational than ususal. I still love his standard no-nonsense approach though and wouldn’t want him to change as there is much less of that out there than there is just people chatting about stuff....

February 28, 2022 · 4 min · Me